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Dreaming of picking & eating your own food?

Imagine how amazing your fresh food is going to taste. Imagine how satisfied you'll feel knowing you are eating the freshest spray free food and imagine the joy you'll feel when you share your food you picked straight from your garden or courtyard with your loved ones!

Inside my online program I will teach you my techniques, and guide you through my process step-by step so you can wipe off 20 different fruits and veggies off your shopping list each year!

Are you ready to grow eat your own spray free food? 

Inside my online program  I will teach you my process step-by step so you can wipe off 20 different fruits and veggies off your shopping list each year! (That's alot of $ worth of food for the year!)


Learn to Grow Your Own Food in less than 10 minutes & for less than 50 cents per day!

Join today
"Brings our whole family joy!"

"I recommend completing the program. Not only does it bring our whole family joy in the yard, but we know we are enjoying fresh spray free, nutritious food that we all helped to grow!" - Brooke - Brisbane


"I absolutely LOVE my garden"

 "I'm so proud of my progress and it brings me so much joy to see it everyday! I've successfully grown food, succession planted for a steady stream of produce. ” 


If you're like most people I have helped then... 

✔️ You’ve never grown food before

✔️ You've tried but grow plants that don't produce much food

✔️ You have a small space but want to fit food in 

✔️ You’ve been trying to grow food for a while with limited success

✔️ Eating fresh healthy food is important to you 

✔️ You spend alot of time online or googling but it leaves you feeling confused

✔️ You want to grow food but you are worried you won’t have enough time (pssst you dont need much)

✔️ You buy plants from the garden centre but they often end up sick

✔️ The pests eat your food before you and it makes you want to give up

 If you answer any of these - this is the program for you!

If you answered YES to any of the above then I totally understand you and this is made for you!

I hear these things all the time and experienced them myself...YOU ARE WHO I HELP

After spending years trying to grow food, feeling deflated by the garden and envious of other veggie gardens, once I finally pieced the puzzle together I knew I could help others and I knew I could make it easier for people. AND I DO! My program has helped hundreds of struggling home gardeners finally grow food at home first go!

Home-grown food really is the healthiest, most delicious & and it is so rewarding. Once you have success and eat your own food you won't look back. 

Grow Your Groceries is designed & proven to make growing food easy you can eat your own spray free food.


Like these happy students!

"Literally Everything You Need To Know"

"I cant believe I grow all this food now. “I used to give up on things so easily in the garden.

By throwing away rigid gardening rules I used to get frustrated by, I now have the knowledge that allows me to be “successful” in the garden but also relaxed” - Kacey 

"A Game-Changer!"

"Sarah's course is step by step and foolproof to get you growing food in your front garden, backyard, patio, courtyard or verandah" - Jonalyn



So, this is for you if...

   ✔️ You are health conscious and really would love to grow & eat fresh food

✔️ You have tried multiple times to grow food but not seeing results

✔️ You have a smaller space, like a courtyard or a large garden like mine

✔️ You feel disheartened by the veggie garden more than you are pleased.

✔️ You would like to start a veggie garden but not sure where to Start

✔️ You have tried to grow food more than once! 

✔️ You are a busy person with limited time


This ISN'T for you if:

You live somewhere with a very cold long winter

(like UK, Canada, Russia or Antactica)


Grow your own food without spending years trying!


 Nothing makes me happier than seeing what my students grow & they are pretty happy about it too!

"Massively improved our harvests!"

"By joining the Grow Your Patch it has massively helped me to improve the quality and the quantity of our harvests! Not only does it bring our whole family joy but I also know that we are enjoying fresh, spray free, nutritious food that we have all helped to grow." - Brooke


"Now I'm living my dream!"

"Before starting with Sarah inside Grow Your Patch I was battling every day in the garden. I was close to giving up! Now I'm living my dream of being able to wander into the garden and come back with lunch in my hand. Even my family have started to eat food they previously didn't like because it tastes so good!” - Shannon  

Helping families grow groceries in small spaces all around Australia and the world!

You will love this if you want to... 

- Grow Spray free food 

- Grow more food in a small space 

- Grow food with easy simple techniques 

- Grow food with inexpensive tools and outlay

- Grow food in in less time than half your lunchbreak! 

- Learn to grow food in a way that just makes sense

- Grow healthy plants that feed you and your family

This is NOT for you if you already grow an abundance of food!

Learn how for less than 50 cents per day! 

Super simple

Expect an easy to follow program with video lessons that are easy to understand, are short and just make sense! Its so fool proof you'll shock yourself with what you grow!



Produce Healthier plants

Expect to grow your healthiest plants with more food than ever before. Often students grow enough to share with friends or  neighbours!



in no time 

Well almost! - Youll be shocked how just 10 minutes a day is enough time to grow your own food!



Feel happier & eat better!

Expect to enjoy your garden a whole lot more, feel more peaceful and joyful in the garden & be proud of what you grow & eat with your family!


But How? 

Easy to follow video lessons where I take you from garden set up all the way through to harvesting your food - and all the mini steps in between in this easy to follow week by week step by step online program.

You dont just get information, you get the entire sequence in one easy to follow program that you can easily follow on your mobile!


The lessons are in-depth but not long in length! 


So you can spend more time doing what you love. It's the information and method you need, without all the fluff and complicated growing techniques.

I give you a step by step grow how in short easily digetable chunks, suited for the busiest of people.


The devil is in the detail


It’s the nitty gritty details in this program that make the difference.  You are seeing EXACTLY how I care for the veggie garden and EACH plant in the program at EVERY STAGE - from set up to harvest - don't worry though it’s super easy to follow!



A coach in your pocket


Access your program while you’re in your garden! You can access the program on your phone, so you can see your garden grow along side mine so you can easily see and understand each step, as your garden grows alongside mine. Follow it step by step or watch it all at once. Get access for an entire year. 


Growing food all over the world!

We have students all over Australia, from WA to QLD and from  New Zealand to USA.  

Like these happy growers...

" A happy space for myself and my kids!"

"My son is autistic and for him the garden is a safe calming place. My food now grows bigger & tastes better. It's easy to follow and alot easier to get results than to try get information and troubleshoot via google! " - Jo 


"This course is great"

This course is really great for beginners and has helped me in growing heaps of fresh fruit & vegies even in an urban and rental environment like mine!" - Madeline  


- Instant access to the entire Online Program - Easy digestible video lessons taking you through my method from garden set up - right through to harvesting your food. get instant access today and have full access for an entire year!

- Watch on all devices and access your program on your laptop, tablet, or phone wherever you have an internet connection. 



Sarah Rani 

Sarah has been inspiring & helping others to grow food for over 7 years through her online programs and social media channels. As seen on Channel 10, The ABC & The Mentor.

Join me and learn to grow your groceries for just 50 cents per day! 

$149 (aud)

Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find the answer to your question? Send me a message on Instagram Titled COURSE and I'll try to answer for you! 

Grow ALL this  and more!

Grow Your groceries is the program that pays for itself ten fold!

sure prices fluctuate but grow just 1 kg of all this food and you're already in front!

Imagine the amount of food when you grow each year! Plus bonus points - some things you can't even buy!

Grow This!