Work With Me

From content creation & events to wellness for your team. 



If you’re a business there’s a few ways I can help you.  First, a little about me.  

I’m Sarah (you probably already know that) I’m an Australian based in Western Australia. I’ve spent the last 4 years working full time for myself as a content creator and growing my business IN MY PATCH, along with my husband.

My mission is to inspire and help the world to grow food, for people to eat better & live a healthier lifestyle.  I do this by creating videos for my Social media channels, and I’ve helped hundreds of beginners all over the world to grow food in my online program.    

I have worked with national television stations and media outlets as well as some amazing Australian businesses to help get my message out there.

There are 3 main ways I can help you and your business.

Staff Wellness

Growing food is one of the best things you can do for your general wellbeing and stress reduction. If you value the health and wellbeing of your employees then Include GYP (my online program) as part of your staff wellness program. I offer some businesses a bulk order discount on my Online Program, Grow Your Patch. Enquire to see if you are eligible. 


Content & Collaboration

 I can create content for your business to use either for your advertising campaigns, as a collaboration post on one or all of my social media channels - or both. I currently have a combined social media audience of close to 600K across Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and YouTube.  Enquire to see if we align.


Events & Speaking

Got an event coming up? You can book me for keynote speaking, or to attend your event to promote it through my social media channels. I can also create content on the day for future marketing usage. Enquire below to check my availability. 

Book Me

Let's work together!

Apply for a bulk order discount on my online program, enquire about a collaboration or an event. 
